Bio: Short Biography Of Lil Pichless Aboki

Name:paul c john
Secondary shool: G.H.U.K.U.C bauchi
Occupation: music,song producing,fashion and music promotion,Song writing and a recoding and performing artist
Grew in pankshin local government of plateau state started music at the age of 10 came to met whith nice t danrewa who tord me music skills and make me active i loudge my record label call 2life records when i was working with HMB records
Mother Name:mary c john
Brother:Nice T dan arewa
Stage name:lil pichless aboki
State:Anambra state
First track:mune
First album:2life
Awards: best sharity artist of the year abuja
Record label:2life records
Best song:aboki
Occupatation:music,song producer,fashion,music promotion,